Another step forward for Pennyworth

Pennyworth pages and posts now handles references from Contentful which makes them more flexible and extensible to handle various types of content and make better use of media like images and videos.

This is an important step forward, not just what you can do with Pennyworth and Contentful to create awesome websites and blogs. The actual architecture of Pennyworth itself has improved over the last few days. Where most noticeable to handle Contentful references in a good way.

I’ve also replaced Mustache templates with Golangs own text/template since it provides a bit more logic with if-statements to render the Markdown files, but tt also feels cleaner to use Golangs native template language than an external. I have nothing against Mustache templates, I use it quite often and like the philosophy behind it, today Golangs own text/template was a better fit.

The project has progressed quite a bit during the holidays and improves as I get better at writing Go and that a plan for the whole project is taking shape. This is just so exciting!